Explore the Pyramids of Giza
By Kwadwo Opoku | Jan. 21st 4:21pm
The Pyramids of Giza are located south west of Cairo, in the vast desert which has been known from the times of antiquity to be the
land of dead. Guarded by the majestic bust of the Great Sphinx, The pyramids can be seen all over. They were built
or the pharaoh Khufu, which would serve as the burial place for him and his royal family.
Its main attraction is the location, since it overlooks the park, which provides an amazing view at almost any hour. If you love happy
hour, this hotel is also for you, as they have an exceptionally stocked bar which has wines imported from several countries. In addition to all this,
they stay true to the African theme, with lighted baobabs as lamps and with the inclusion of african fabric in decorations.
Every hotel is not without its faults however. A frightingly high amount of tourists have reported insects such as mosquitoes and flies persistently present
in thier rooms. While this is to be expected in Africa,as a luxury hotel, they should strive to make the stay as comfortable as possible by sealing the rooms
and taking countermeasures against insects.